One-on-One Treatment with a Physical Therapist Every Visit!
- Vicki’s Comeback from a Total Knee Replacement Oct 25 I am currently retired. I spent 20 years in banking, and also was the Executive Director of a non-profit organization in North Omaha, and retired in 2013. I love...
- Desk Job Workout! Oct 12 Having a desk job and not moving much during the day can be both mentally and physically challenging. It is important to take several breaks from your resting posture...
- What Can You Expect at Omaha Physical Therapy Institute? Why is OPTI so Different from Other Physical Therapy Clinics? Oct 3 Some may say I am an OPTI Pioneer! After all, I have been a patient several different times at OPTI since the clinic first opened in 2007. OPTI has...
- Should We Really Be So “Anti” Inflammation? Sep 28 Poor inflammation. Yes…I just said that. I truly feel sorry for inflammation as everyone is always trying to get rid of would you like it if you were...
- Workout Wednesday Routine Sep 14 Warmup: 5-10 min recumbent bike 3x10 meters each fwd/bkwd jog, side shuffle, karaoke, basic skips Workout: 2-3x thru the following 2x10m walking lunges 15x pushups 40 second plank 40 seconds hi-knee jogging in place 25x bodyweight...
- How to Sit Up from Bed with Back Pain Sep 6 It’s the morning, you’re lying in bed after a night’s rest and your back pain has flared up. You don’t want to get up. You’re not even sure how...
- OPTI Gets You Back in the Game Sep 1 Did you know a study was performed that showed only 44% of people who have undergone ACL reconstruction surgery return to competitive sports? Only 44%! The same study showed that 90%...
- Three Testimonials from Patients with an ACL Injury Aug 31 As you may have heard, this week at OPTI we are celebrating ACL injuries. Yes… celebrating! Well, maybe NOT celebrating the injury itself but rather RECOGNIZING the individuals who...
- Supporting an Athlete with an ACL Injury Aug 30 Injury can be devastating for an athlete not only due to the physical pain experienced but also due to the mental side of being unable to play. All injuries...
- To Cup or Not to Cup? Aug 25 Ok- so I guess we have to add to the ever so popular recent discussion on ‘cupping’ that has flooded the internet and social media due to the athletes...
- 15 FUN activities to do in Omaha Aug 24 Family Fun... OPTI Style! Summer is a great time for taking the kids out and partaking in new and exciting adventures! Or… just doing something fun with anyone! All out...
- The Most Dangerous High School Sports In the U.S. – How to Lessen Your Chances of Injury Aug 24 School is approaching, which means many high school fall sports have already started with pre-season conditioning. Let’s face it, high school sports are becoming more and more competitive. An...