One-on-One Treatment with a Physical Therapist Every Visit!
Can Ankle Mobility Prevent Knee Injury? Nov 1 Squatting is among the most functional of all human movements and is frequently regarded as a starting point in the movement assessments for many healthcare practitioners. Much like any...
Get To Know Yourself and Your Response to Exercise Aug 30 Rate of Perceived Exertion Get to Know Yourself and Your Response to Exercise There is a lot of great technology out there that is capable of giving you metrics on your...
3 Myths About Physical Activity Jul 15 Excuses, excuses, excuses...well, there's really no excuse to not be moving and grooving throughout your day! Being physically active is SO BENEFICIAL FOR SO MANY REASONS! Please don't use...
10 Tips on How to Be a Good Physical Therapy Patient Jun 23 Are you struggling with an injury or having persistent pain? Have you thought about trying some physical therapy? It’s important to find a physical therapy clinic that will give...
Important Info for Coaches on ACL prevention Aug 6 Over the past 20 years, there has been an increase in the number of anterior cruciate ligamant (ACL) injuries in the knee. With that increase has come more research...
Improving Quadriceps Control and Strength after Surgery Jul 16 A recent systematic review published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine investigated treatments for arthrogenic muscle inhibition following anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction surgery. Quadriceps muscle inhibition (the...
Katie’s Cool World Cup Story Jun 28 So what's the story behind this picture hanging in the lobby at Omaha Physical Therapy Institute? OPTI's physical therapist and co-owner, Katie Reisbig Cordery, received this signed poster as a...
ACL Injuries and Prevention Dec 18 Are you an athlete or a parent of an athlete? If so, you have probably heard of the dreaded ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) tear. It is becoming a VERY...
Advice about Nutrition for the Athlete Dec 18 Eating like an Athlete The advice I give to athletes is a lot of times the same advice I give to most people… eat often, eat quality, and eat enough. Eating...
Healthy Snacks for a Sweet Tooth! Nov 14 These choices may help satisfy your sweet tooth, without the guilt! Healthy Choice 100 Calorie Fudge Bar (5 g fiber) VitaTop: Deep Chocolate or Banana Nut! Fresh pear slices sprinkled with ground...
How To Use the Cool Down for Injury Prevention Jul 31 Improving Neuromuscular Efficiency through a Cool Down is Key with Injury Prevention Sometimes all you want to do after a soccer game or practice is sit on the ground and...
Fight Sitting with Movement! Apr 24 In today’s world, the sedentary lifestyle is real. Let’s face it, between sitting at our desks, our cars, or in front of the television, times have changed. Technology today...