Coach Resources.
NeuroStrong Soccer-Specific Warm-up
The following exercises involved in the Omaha Physical Therapy Institute’s NeuroStrong warm-up protocol have been taken from science backed soccer-specific neuromuscular training programs that have proven to be effective in reducing the amount of injuries in soccer athletes as well as enhance performance. This warm-up has been condensed for efficiency, effectiveness, and compliance. It is a simple set up and only takes around 10-12 minutes to perform. It is recommended that this warm-up be performed before all training sessions and games. Shortened versions of it should be performed for re-entry/bench re-warm ups along with post-game/training cool downs. For maximal effectiveness, it is recommended that athletes engage in these exercises at least 2-3x/week and really focus on their form during the different movements. The longer the program is performed, the more neuromuscular control and kinesthetic awareness the athlete gains, creating a greater reduction in injury rates.

Soccer Specific Warm-up
Omaha Physical Therapy Institute’s NeuroStrong protocol
- Jogging Forward/Jogging Backward
- Side shuffling with Arm Swings
- High knees/Butt kicks
- Carioca
- Shuffle-kicks/ Jog back
- Running Hip out / Jog back
- Running Hip in / Jog back
- Shuffle cuts forward / Shuffle cuts backward
- Forward lunge with arms overhead / Jog back
- Side lunge-pivot-side lunge (Alternating legs) / Jog back
- Running to stop on one leg at each cone down and back (Alternate legs)
- Diagonal run with lunge-turn at cones (Alternate legs) / Jog back 2 Repetitions
- Scissor lunges forward / Jog back
- Skater hopping forward. Perform down AND back.
- Quick running forward 2 cones, back pedal backward 1 cone / Jog back 2 Repetitions
- Sprint forward / Defensive shuffling back 2 Repetitions
HOPPING (5 reps each leg- make sure to bend your knee when you land!)
- Single leg hopping forward/backward over line or cone 5 repetitions each leg
- Single leg hopping side-side over line or cone 5 repetitions each leg
- Shoulder to shoulder hops with a partner 5 repetitions each side
Read more about our treatment approach.

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