Workout Wednesday Routine
Warmup: 5-10 min recumbent bike
3×10 meters each fwd/bkwd jog, side shuffle, karaoke, basic skips
Workout: 2-3x thru the following
2x10m walking lunges
15x pushups
40 second plank
40 seconds hi-knee jogging in place
25x bodyweight squats
20x band rows (rowing a boat motion, hands go to ribs, squeeze shoulder blades) /pull-aparts (arms straight at chest height, keeping elbows straight pull the band across your chest)
30x each side seated twists (twist from belly button)
40 seconds jump rope
10m each way walking side lunges
15x military press (start at eye-level, press straight overhead)
20 sec each side plank
4x50m sprint run on 1:00
2 mins easy recumbent bike
Sam Holmes, OPTI Wellness Program Instructor
Certified Fitness Trainer
USAT Professional Triathlete