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Resistance Training
3 Compelling Reasons to Kickstart Your Fitness Journey Today Apr 22 Embarking on a journey to incorporate regular exercise into your life is a decision that can yield numerous benefits for both your physical and mental well-being. Here are 3...
Older Adults Benefit from Power Training! Dec 3 Interesting article to share! This systematic review and meta-analysis looked at traditional strength training vs power training for older adults. They found IMPROVED outcomes in physical function (TUG testing, stair...
General Tips for Starting a Gym Program Jun 26 VERY GENERAL Gym Rules: Starting a gym program and making it a priority in your life can seem like a difficult thing to do. Here are some general rules for the...
Open and Closed Kinetic Chain Exercises for Strengthening in ACL Rehabilitation Oct 11 Strength of the quadriceps and hamstring muscle groups is one of the key components in determining an athlete’s readiness to return to running after they have an ACL reconstruction...
Some Ways to Resistance Train at Home Jul 25 Why Should I Resistance Train? Do you need to pick up kids/grandkids? Do you carry and pick up grocery bags? Do you enjoy gardening and yard work? Do you enjoy...
What is Sarcopenia and Why Should I Care? Apr 3 Sarcopenia is a term that means “age-related muscle loss,” and can be a factor in predicting frailty and fall risk in older adults. It can lead to a DECREASE...
The Benefits of Strength Training Mar 10 Strength training can be an essential component to keeping your body healthy and your mind happy. There has been a lot of research, especially in the most recent years,...
Were You Born to Run? Dec 21 The notion that human beings were “born to run” certainly has inspired me to think deeply about running. The book that bears this notion as its title, Born To...
Train Like You Play Sep 6 There are many variables that exist in the world of strength and conditioning, most of which athletes and avid exercisers are familiar with adjusting in order to get the...
3 Myths About Physical Activity Jul 15 Excuses, excuses, excuses...well, there's really no excuse to not be moving and grooving throughout your day! Being physically active is SO BENEFICIAL FOR SO MANY REASONS! Please don't use...
Avoiding “Chronic Cardio” May 19 The term “Chronic Cardio” came into my awareness while reading a book by Mark Sisson titled Primal Endurance. This term is used to describe the exercise patterns that some...
How Effective is Blood Flow Restriction in Rehabilitation? Feb 1 Blood flow restriction (BFR) training is a training method that utilizes a pneumatic cuff (like what’s used when taking blood pressure) or elastic straps to reduce blood flow to...