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Injury Prevention
How to Stay Flexible While Traveling for Sports- Part 3 Nov 26 Traveling for sports games and tournaments is fun and exciting! It is important to stay active and mobile, especially if having to sit for a long car or plane...
How to Stay Flexible While Traveling for Sports- Part 2 Nov 26 Traveling for sports games and tournaments is fun and exciting! It is important to stay active and mobile, especially if having to sit for a long car or plane...
The Importance Of Being Intentional During Warm-Up Sep 30 Warming up is more than just going through the motions and loosening up. It’s about preparing mentally and physically for competition in order to optimize performance, promote team cohesion,...
3 Compelling Reasons to Kickstart Your Fitness Journey Today Apr 22 Embarking on a journey to incorporate regular exercise into your life is a decision that can yield numerous benefits for both your physical and mental well-being. Here are 3...
Winter Wellness: Reducing Fall Risks in Cold Conditions Jan 25 As winter blankets the world in a serene layer of snow, it brings with it unique challenges, especially when it comes to preventing slips and falls. The combination of...
Calf Strengthening for Balance Dec 26 🕰️As we progress through life, our balance tends to decline. We can get caught up in the vicious cycle of limiting our movement out of fear of falling, which...
Older Adults Benefit from Power Training! Dec 3 Interesting article to share! This systematic review and meta-analysis looked at traditional strength training vs power training for older adults. They found IMPROVED outcomes in physical function (TUG testing, stair...
What is Recommended for Physical Activity and Exercise for Osteoporosis? Oct 22 Across the globe, millions of people have osteoporosis and the numbers continue to climb. Osteoporosis is traditionally treated with medications, diet, and exercises to address bone health, balance, and...
Injury Reduction Strategies for the Weekend Warrior Aug 6 Weekend warriors are defined as those who play a sport or sports only in their free time. For many of us, that could mean just one time per week. ...
Risk factors Involved in Re-injuring a Reconstructed ACL or Having a Contralateral Injury May 24 ACL injury and reconstructive surgery is a tough process for anyone. And, no one wants to go through this challenging time twice. So, what can put someone at a...
2 Hip Movements To Try While Sitting Jan 24 Sometimes prolonged sitting can be uncomfortable for people. If you are having to sit for a long period of time like during work, on an airplane, or even at...
Stretches for Stress Nov 16 A great way to give your body and mind a healthy break is by doing some movements that can result in a relaxed feeling in the body. By moving...