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Injury prevention runners
5 Tips To Staying Healthy as a Runner Sep 15 Summer is here and more and more people are out running. If you look closely, you will see a great deal of variation in HOW people do such a...
Sprinting to a State Championship- Sydney’s Comeback Story Aug 10 Tearing your ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) and having to have surgery is tough! Sydney Miller knows this all too well but she also knows that working hard and being...
Important Info for Coaches on ACL prevention Aug 6 Over the past 20 years, there has been an increase in the number of anterior cruciate ligamant (ACL) injuries in the knee. With that increase has come more research...
How Does Treadmill Running Differ from Outdoor Running? Jun 16 Check out the article below that outlines how treadmill running can differ from outdoor running in regards to biomechanics, energy expenditure/consumption, speed, and air resistance. Interesting read with research...
Success AFTER Injury – An OPTI Comeback Story Jan 8 "Super Dave's" Awesome Comeback Story! Tell us about yourself (Jobs, Interests, hobbies, sports). My name is Dave McNair and I have been involved in athletics my entire life both competing and...
Advice about Nutrition for the Athlete Dec 18 Eating like an Athlete The advice I give to athletes is a lot of times the same advice I give to most people… eat often, eat quality, and eat enough. Eating...
Attention Runners: 5 Tips for Your 5K Sep 11 5 Tips for Your 5K 1. Eat a light pre-race breakfast one to two hours before the race. This meal should be around 300 calories, focusing most of the calories...
Should You Still Be Running Outside? Dec 28 You love to run outside, and you’re dreading the thought of running on a treadmill. However, you’re starting to think it might be getting too cold for that jog...