One-on-One Treatment with a Physical Therapist Every Visit!
back pain
Climbing to the Top Despite the Pain Dec 15 “I am far overdue in thanking you for the PT you provided from a back surgery I had in February 2018. At that time, I was also at one...
Can Meditating Help Your Pain? Oct 8 Understanding pain can be complex. What pain science research has revealed is that pain does not always mean there is actual tissue damage or injury. Furthermore, intensity, duration, and...
Improve Your Posture, Improve Your Mood! Jul 30 Posture & Mood: An Interesting Approach There are correlations between posture and certain moods, feelings and even pain. For example, when someone is sad or in pain, they tend to...
The Health Benefits of Golf May 5 Golf. What a game. A game that allows you to escape your day and relish in the beauty of nature, competition, and health. Could it be a foggy morning...
Can Having a Positive Healthcare Professional Help your Outcomes? Apr 1 In a study recently published in The Royal Society of Medicine in 2018, researchers investigated the "effects of empathy and expectation interventions with any clinical condition." Results show that...
How to Manage Your Back Pain Feb 3 Back pain is a normal part of being human. Around 80% of the population will experience back pain at some point in their life, and those same people will...
Posture and Work-related Injuries Jan 15 Let’s Talk Posture and Ergonomics! We had an opportunity to sit down and chat with Brent Cordery, physical therapist at Omaha Physical Therapy Institute (OPTI), about ergonomic assessments and the...
Simple Tips to Address Your Pain Nov 5 Omaha Physical Therapy Institute (OPTI) specializes in orthopedic and sports related injuries and pain. OPTI brings something better to the physical therapy realm in the Omaha area. We get...
How To Go Back To Lifting Weights after a Back Injury Sep 9 Back pain can be a common complaint in the weight room. It can be debilitating at times, limiting your function and not allowing you to perform your exercise routine...
Cutting Edge Treatment for Back Pain! Aug 14 In an article published by Aspetar Sports Medicine Journal, Peter O’Sullivan discusses the challenges of treating persistent back pain and how a targeted cognitive functional approach has superior outcomes...
“Sticking” to the facts – Dry Needling Not Effective for Knee Pain Jun 12 With all the hype surrounding the fad of dry needling one would assume it is very effective. However, when you look at the quality, scientific research (and no, we...
Taking the Fear out of Movement Nov 13 Choose Your Words Carefully I had a patient come in recently to their physical therapy session and tell me that another medical professional told her that she had “the worst,...