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You vs. The Ice: Make Sure You Win The Battle

With “Icemageddon 2017” in full force right now, it is important to know how to properly handle the icy conditions, specifically on porches, sidewalks, driveways, and parking lots.  This morning as I was attempting to walk into Omaha Physical Therapy Institute, I got stuck standing in the middle of the icy parking lot, hot coffee in one hand, laptop case in the other.  I was unable to move myself without the assistance of Brent, who had to pull me across the ice (I was laughing so hard I nearly fell over).  Here are some helpful tips I wish I would have thought of in my state of panic while standing on the ice earlier today…

katie on ice

  1. 1. Do not wear boots or shoes that have smooth soles or heels.  Choose footwear that has good traction or get a pair of ice cleats or other products that provide special traction that you can place around your shoe to allow for improved stability on the icy surfaces.
  2. 2. Assume that all surfaces are icy even if they just look wet!
  3. 3. Walk on the grass if available but make sure there are no holes or obstacles.
  4. 4. Keep your hands out of your pockets and put them to your sides and try not to carry too much if having to walk on potentially icy surfaces. You need your arms for balance and to potentially soften your fall!
  5. 5. Wear a heavy, bulky coat that could cushion you if you should fall.
  6. 6. Bend slightly at your back with your head slightly forward, keeping your body weight over your feet. Take small steps with caution (kind of like a penguin- after all, they should know how it’s done).
  7. 7. Use hand railings if available.
  8. 8. Try to remember to be cautious when getting in/out of your vehicle.
  9. 9. Do not text or talk on the phone when trying to walk on an icy surface!
  10. 10. Plan ahead. If you are feeling uncertain about your safety, stay home or plan to have some assistance with getting you to your destination safely.

I nearly lost the battle with the ice this morning but thankfully, I had my husband/co-worker there for me!  Play it safe- don’t let the ice win!

Katie Cordery, PT


Omaha Physical Therapy Institute is an outpatient orthopedic and sports physical therapy clinic with it’s main location at 144th & Dodge and it’s secondary location inside of the Omaha Sports Complex on 144th & Giles.  Your Comeback Story Starts Here!  OPTI is the BEST place for physical therapy in Omaha!
