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Weight Shifting During a Squat: Targeting Quadriceps vs. Gluteals

When performing squats, where you shift your weight can significantly influence which muscles are engaged. Here’s how to adjust your weight distribution to focus more on either your quadriceps or gluteals (glutes).

Shifting Weight to Emphasize Quadriceps

Squat emphasizing quadriceps activation

Weight Forward: To recruit more quadriceps, shift your weight slightly forward onto the balls of your feet. This encourages knee extension and enhances activation of the quads as you rise.  Maybe place a support under your heels in order to ensure the weight is shifted towards your toes.

Knees Over Toes: Allow your knees to travel forward over your toes during the squat. This forward knee movement increases the angle at your knee joint, putting more emphasis on the quadriceps.

Upright Torso: Maintain a more upright torso position. This keeps the load on your knees rather than your hips, further activating the quads.




Shifting Weight to Emphasize Glutes

Squat emphasizing gluteal activation

Weight Back: To target the glutes, shift your weight back onto your heels. This allows for more hip extension as you rise, engaging the glute muscles effectively.

Hips Back: Initiate the squat by pushing your hips back, similar to closing a car door with your hips. This hip-dominant movement reduces knee movement forward and focuses more on glute activation.

Slight Forward Lean: A slight forward lean of the torso can help facilitate glute engagement, allowing for a more powerful push from the hips as you rise.




By consciously adjusting your weight distribution during squats, you can significantly alter muscle recruitment. Shifting your weight forward targets the quadriceps, while leaning back and engaging the hips emphasizes the glutes. Experimenting with these techniques can help you achieve your specific training goals and improve your overall squat performance!

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