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Sporting Nebraska FC
How to Stay Flexible While Traveling for Sports- Part 1 Nov 11 Traveling for sports games and tournaments is fun and exciting! It is important to stay active and mobile, especially if having to sit for a long flight or ride...
Back in the Game: A Comprehensive Guide to Returning to Play After ACL Reconstruction Surgery Feb 14 Facing the challenge of an ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) injury and subsequent reconstruction surgery is a significant hurdle for any athlete. However, the journey doesn't end with surgery; the...
Balance Exercises During Warm-Up Can Reduce Ankle Sprains in Soccer Athletes Oct 27 Ankle sprains are very common among soccer players. In fact, it is one of the more common injuries in soccer, affecting not only an athlete's playing time but resulting...
Balance Exercises During Warm-Up Can Reduce Ankle Sprains in Soccer Athletes Oct 27 Ankle sprains are very common among soccer players. In fact, it is one of the more common injuries in soccer, affecting not only an athlete's playing time but resulting...
Early Aerobic Exercise Associated with Decreased Risk for Persistent Post-Concussion Symptoms (PPCS) Aug 26 Concussions are defined as a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) caused by biomechanical forces that may result in physical, social, psychological, and biological issues. Studies have found that 1...
Resiliency During Rehabilitation Jul 6 Resiliency and psychological readiness to return to sport have been identified as factors that significantly influence an athlete’s ability to return to sport after an injury. Resiliency is the...
Return to Play Progression Following Concussion Nov 3 RETURN TO PLAY PROGRESSION FOLLOWING CONCUSSION 1. Once diagnosed with a concussion, a return to play progression will be started once the athlete has not had any symptoms for a...