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Early Aerobic Exercise Associated with Decreased Risk for Persistent Post-Concussion Symptoms (PPCS) Aug 26 Concussions are defined as a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) caused by biomechanical forces that may result in physical, social, psychological, and biological issues. Studies have found that 1...
Return to Play Progression Following Concussion Nov 3 RETURN TO PLAY PROGRESSION FOLLOWING CONCUSSION 1. Once diagnosed with a concussion, a return to play progression will be started once the athlete has not had any symptoms for a...
The Effectiveness of Soccer Headgear in Reducing Sports-Related Concussions Aug 3 Does wearing headgear actually protect you from sustaining a concussion? Furthermore, does it limit the severity of a concussion? Check out this study that was in the British Journal...
Early Activity After Concussion Can Be Beneficial Sep 3 Traditionally, when an individual is diagnosed with a concussion, they are instructed to rest from activity of any sort for several days. But, more recently, researchers are looking at...
10 Interesting Facts about Concussions Mar 1 A concussion is the most common type of head injury in athletes. It occurs when a force jars the brain against the skull. It can result directly from a...