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Tag Archive: sports injury
Mike’s Comeback Story! Aug 9 Mike Thiem is no stranger to injury. In fact, when you look at his medical history, it appears he is good friends with it! Fortunately for us at Omaha Physical...
Omaha Physical Therapy Institute has been serving Omaha for 10 YEARS! Jul 9 Omaha Physical Therapy Institute is Celebrating It’s 10 Year Anniversary! It’s hard to believe that it has already been 10 YEARS since we opened Omaha Physical Therapy Institute (OPTI). From...
Becca’s Note of Gratitude Jun 19 “This note is no doubt long overdue, but comes with enormous gratitude that only continues to grow. This September marked three years since my ACL surgery, and each day...
Avoiding Injury in Baseball and Softball Jun 7 Avoiding Injury in Baseball and Softball As physical therapists, we are experts in the treatment of injuries and pain. However, an important aspect of our profession is educating coaches on...
Three Testimonials from Patients with an ACL Injury Aug 31 As you may have heard, this week at OPTI we are celebrating ACL injuries. Yes… celebrating! Well, maybe NOT celebrating the injury itself but rather RECOGNIZING the individuals who...