One-on-One Treatment with a Physical Therapist Every Visit!
Tag Archive: physical therapy
Preparing to Play Throughout the Game Nov 26 There is always talk about warm-up prior to soccer practices and games but there is rarely a focus on re-warming up at half time or if you are coming...
Taking the Fear out of Movement Nov 13 Choose Your Words Carefully I had a patient come in recently to their physical therapy session and tell me that another medical professional told her that she had “the worst,...
Coming Back Stronger after an ACL Tear! Oct 24 Laura Ney’s Comeback Story- Coming Back Even Stronger After an ACL Tear! Tearing your anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) can be devastating and leave you feeling defeated and emotionally destroyed. For...
Why Do Muscles Feel Tight? Oct 17 It is not uncommon to have patients come through the doors at Omaha Physical Therapy Institute (OPTI) with the complaint of muscle “tightness.” One of our jobs as physical...
The Power of Touch Oct 4 Do you remember when you were younger and you had to get a shot at the doctor’s office? What did you want to do at that moment? I remember...
Poking Holes In Dry Needling Sep 26 Does Dry Needling Really Work? You are in pain. You have been in pain for years. You have tried everything to help: medication, injections, chiropractic care, physical therapy, massage therapy. ...
Mike’s Comeback Story! Aug 9 Mike Thiem is no stranger to injury. In fact, when you look at his medical history, it appears he is good friends with it! Fortunately for us at Omaha Physical...
Paul’s Comeback to Soccer After an Ankle Sprain Jul 3 Determined to Get Back to the Field: Paul's Comeback Story Paul Devine, 2001 Sporting Omaha FC Elite soccer player, has fought his way back to the field! After suffering a...
Physical Therapy and Health Insurance May 4 Helpful Tips Regarding Health Insurance As the office manager and “first impressions specialist” at OPTI, one of my many duties is to work with your health insurance company in order...