One-on-One Treatment with a Physical Therapist Every Visit!
How to Stay Flexible While Traveling for Sports- Part 1 Nov 11 Traveling for sports games and tournaments is fun and exciting! It is important to stay active and mobile, especially if having to sit for a long flight or ride...
2 Hip Movements To Try While Sitting Jan 24 Sometimes prolonged sitting can be uncomfortable for people. If you are having to sit for a long period of time like during work, on an airplane, or even at...
Stretches for Stress Nov 16 A great way to give your body and mind a healthy break is by doing some movements that can result in a relaxed feeling in the body. By moving...
Stretches to Perform While Working From Home Sep 19 Since the pandemic, people have started to work more remotely from their homes. In our clinic, we have seen increased cases in muscle tension headaches and neck pain due...
Research on How to Stay Comfortable At Work Feb 7 In a recent article titled, “It's Time to Have a Rest: How Do Break Types Affect Muscular Activity and Perceived Discomfort During Prolonged Sitting at Work," researchers used electromyographic...
3 Exercises That Can Keep Your Neck and Back Happy While at Work Jan 17 Many people are sitting at their work station for hours on end while working from home or at the office. Prolonged sitting can create increased neck and back stiffness,...
4 Ways to Reduce the Risk of Knee and Foot Pain in Growing Athletes Jan 12 A common complaint we hear from pre-adolescent and adolescent aged athletes is that their knees or feet are consistently sore or irritable. A lot of time, these same athletes...
Why Do My Joints Make Noise? Jan 3 “Why do my joints click, pop, crack?” This is a question that we as physical therapists get asked quite often. If your joints “pop” or “crack,” you’re not alone!...
Were You Born to Run? Dec 21 The notion that human beings were “born to run” certainly has inspired me to think deeply about running. The book that bears this notion as its title, Born To...
3 Quick Home Workouts for “Busy” People Nov 15 There are no excuses now! The following exercise routines can be done in your home with minimal to no equipment. If you do have resistance bands or weights, you...
5 Tips on How to Safely Get Started on an Exercise Program Nov 14 Are you ready to make exercise a part of your routine? Are you not sure how to get started safely? Here are a few tips on how to properly...
Simple Stretch for Anterior Knee Pain Aug 25 Do you have anterior (front-sided) knee pain? If this pain came on gradually without any known cause or obvious trauma/injury, you may benefit from a very basic course of...