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Sports injuries
Playing it Safe in the Heat Jun 16 With the temperature rising outside, it’s important to remember that proper hydration is extremely important and if not addressed could lead to serious illness and possible death. With lots...
Getting Prepared for Soccer Tryouts Jun 13 It’s that time of year again- soccer tryouts are here! It’s exciting and can be nerve-wracking, but this is the time to have fun and show the coaches what...
How useful is using resistance when warming up for baseball and softball ? Jan 30 We have all seen the baseball or softball player in the on deck circle warming up with a weighted donut, two bats or some crazy contraption. Do we ever...
Can sleeping more actually prevent injuries? Oct 27 When investigating possible factors that can lead to injury, the amount of sleep an athlete gets is not typically considered. The following article looks at the correlation between injury...
Improve Your Second Half Performance Sep 18 Halftime can be a time for players to recover from the first half of play. But, can the time that they are taking to recover hinder their performance in...
Ankle injuries?…. Brace or Tape? Jul 17 A common question we receive from athletes who have suffered an ankle sprain is whether it is better to have the ankle taped or to wear an ankle support...
What To Do If You Suspect A Concussion Jun 30 You are making a near post run in the goal box as your teammate sends a firm, driven cross right in the direction of your head. You are excited...
The Incidence of Injuries on Field Turf versus Grass May 11 It seems that in the world of soccer, more and more facilities are putting field turf in and moving away from a natural grass playing surface. How is this...
Sprains and Strains Apr 1 In the world of sports, most athletes will experience a sprain or a strain at some point in their career. In general, people are unaware of the difference between...
When Goalkeepers Get Into A “Jam” Feb 9 As a goalkeeper, jamming your finger has probably happened to you before. You were trying to catch the soccer ball but it hit you at the tip of your...
Supporting an injured athlete Jan 26 Injury can be devastating for an athlete not only due to the physical pain experienced but also due to the mental side of being unable to play. It is...
Optimize your off-season baseball/softball training Jan 9 Make sure your off-season baseball/softball training is preparing you to be ON this season! Incorporating simple stretches and exercises into your warm up is an important part of preparing for...