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Sporting Omaha FC
How to Stay Flexible While Traveling for Sports- Part 1 Nov 11 Traveling for sports games and tournaments is fun and exciting! It is important to stay active and mobile, especially if having to sit for a long flight or ride...
Balance Exercises During Warm-Up Can Reduce Ankle Sprains in Soccer Athletes Oct 27 Ankle sprains are very common among soccer players. In fact, it is one of the more common injuries in soccer, affecting not only an athlete's playing time but resulting...
Balance Exercises During Warm-Up Can Reduce Ankle Sprains in Soccer Athletes Oct 27 Ankle sprains are very common among soccer players. In fact, it is one of the more common injuries in soccer, affecting not only an athlete's playing time but resulting...
Staying Fit in the “Off” Season May 31 With spring soccer season winding down and summer try-outs approaching, some of your coaches may give you a few weeks off. Although you may be “off” from scheduled practices...
4 Tips to Keep Your Child Optimistic After a Sports Injury Feb 14 Injuries can happen to anyone. But, when it is your own child, it can be really tough! Knowing how to support your youth athlete when they sustain an injury...
4 Ways to Reduce the Risk of Knee and Foot Pain in Growing Athletes Jan 12 A common complaint we hear from pre-adolescent and adolescent aged athletes is that their knees or feet are consistently sore or irritable. A lot of time, these same athletes...
Returning to Play after COVID-19 Dec 21 Because of the uncertainty of the affects of COVID-19 even after the illness has subsided, a return to play protocol has been devised by experts in order to guide...
Self Hygiene Tips for the Soccer Athlete Nov 19 Nobody wants to be the stinky kid, right?! It’s important as an athlete to recognize the responsibility you have to maintain good hygiene in order to avoid unnecessary issues...
Does Strength and Power Equal Confidence in ACL Rehab? Jun 14 Is there a correlation between the amount of strength and power an individual has with their confidence in returning to play their sport after ACL reconstruction surgery? A recent...
7 Exercises to Reduce the Risk of Knee Injuries in Soccer Players! Apr 21 It is important to make sure you are regularly challenging your neuromuscular system and training it to tolerate the loads you take on as a soccer player. Research has...
Overcoming Acute and Reoccurring Ankle Sprains Apr 21 Ankle sprains are unfortunately all too common in sports, especially those involving running, jumping, and sudden changes in direction. An ankle sprain can sideline an athlete for various amounts...
Injury Resistance- Practice Like you Play Mar 24 Injury in sport can happen to anyone. As speed and impact increase in higher level competition, so does the likelihood of injury. This is why, in most sports, injuries...