One-on-One Treatment with a Physical Therapist Every Visit!
- Back in the Game: A Comprehensive Guide to Returning to Play After ACL Reconstruction Surgery Feb 14 Facing the challenge of an ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) injury and subsequent reconstruction surgery is a significant hurdle for any athlete. However, the journey doesn't end with surgery; the...
- Staying Fit in the “Off” Season May 31 With spring soccer season winding down and summer try-outs approaching, some of your coaches may give you a few weeks off. Although you may be “off” from scheduled practices...
- 4 Ways to Reduce the Risk of Knee and Foot Pain in Growing Athletes Jan 12 A common complaint we hear from pre-adolescent and adolescent aged athletes is that their knees or feet are consistently sore or irritable. A lot of time, these same athletes...
- Self Hygiene Tips for the Soccer Athlete Nov 19 Nobody wants to be the stinky kid, right?! It’s important as an athlete to recognize the responsibility you have to maintain good hygiene in order to avoid unnecessary issues...
- Sport Specialization Among Young Athletes May 17 Sport participation can offer several benefits to children and adolescents when dosed appropriately. But, over the past several years, youth athletics has changed considerably. It has changed from child-driven,...
- 7 Exercises to Reduce the Risk of Knee Injuries in Soccer Players! Apr 21 It is important to make sure you are regularly challenging your neuromuscular system and training it to tolerate the loads you take on as a soccer player. Research has...
- The Importance of Time In ACL Rehabilitation Feb 8 At Omaha Physical Therapy Institute, we see a LOT of patients who have suffered an Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury. Many times these patients are athletes and are anxious...
- The Effectiveness of Soccer Headgear in Reducing Sports-Related Concussions Aug 3 Does wearing headgear actually protect you from sustaining a concussion? Furthermore, does it limit the severity of a concussion? Check out this study that was in the British Journal...
- Is That Spray Magic? May 16 You are watching a professional soccer game and there is a collision. One player pops up and runs off but the other lies there, writhing in pain. The team...
- ACL Injuries and Prevention Dec 18 Are you an athlete or a parent of an athlete? If so, you have probably heard of the dreaded ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) tear. It is becoming a VERY...
- Advice about Nutrition for the Athlete Dec 18 Eating like an Athlete The advice I give to athletes is a lot of times the same advice I give to most people… eat often, eat quality, and eat enough. Eating...
- How Should You Re-fuel After a Soccer Game? Aug 21 Success in Soccer: Refueling Ever wondered if you can wait until you get home from the game to re-fuel? A recent study by the Journal of the International Society of...