One-on-One Treatment with a Physical Therapist Every Visit!
Load vs. Capacity Mar 21 Musculoskeletal injury, whether sudden or from repetitive use, often boils down to the imbalance between load and capacity. Many factors play a role in an individual’s experience of pain,...
Why Try the Pose Method for Your Running Injury? Feb 12 The Pose Method of running is effective largely because much of its injury-prevention recommendations are consistent with those of academics who have conducted running gait research in laboratories. Theoretically,...
Get To Know Yourself and Your Response to Exercise Aug 30 Rate of Perceived Exertion Get to Know Yourself and Your Response to Exercise There is a lot of great technology out there that is capable of giving you metrics on your...
Benefits of Sprint and Plyometric Training for the Distance Runner Aug 6 Distance runners and endurance sport athletes find satisfaction in their longer, lower-intensity workouts and events for various reasons. It is common for people in endurance sports to avoid, limit,...
Does Running Technique Matter? Jun 21 Many people recognize the importance of technique when they become familiar with a sport. For instance, a basketball player is quite familiar with proper shooting form, a golfer the...
Run Faster and More Efficiently! Jun 7 In distance running going faster is often thought to require greater propulsion, and ultimately, greater effort. When you are nearing the end of a training run and trying to...
COVID-19 Home Workout For Runners Mar 21 Many of us have more free time at home these days presenting us with ample time and opportunity to examine whatever we choose to about ourselves. I personally am...
FREE Running Seminar at Omaha Physical Therapy Institute! Mar 9 Click on the link below for larger version of flyer! runningflyerPDF Matt Vetter, PT, CSCS, and Ironman Triathlete is Certified in the POSE Method of running and he wants to share...
How To Go Back To Lifting Weights after a Back Injury Sep 9 Back pain can be a common complaint in the weight room. It can be debilitating at times, limiting your function and not allowing you to perform your exercise routine...
Cutting Edge Treatment for Back Pain! Aug 14 In an article published by Aspetar Sports Medicine Journal, Peter O’Sullivan discusses the challenges of treating persistent back pain and how a targeted cognitive functional approach has superior outcomes...
Battling Back to Tae Kwon Do and CrossFIT Sep 5 OPTI’s Ninja Warrior: David Shares His Comeback Story David Ramcharan has battled back from injuries that could have kept him from returning to Tae Kwon Do and CrossFit. But, David...